Friday, February 15, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: CALL TO ACTION from Eric Reed Gun Rights Across America President
Introductory video from Eric Reed, Gun rights Across America President. It's time to have Americans awaken from their slumber, and fight for our second amendment rights. 2 calls to action. Time to fight. Attached you'll find the letter I'm asking you to copy, paste, print, and mail to all major firearms manufactures. We the people, have a voice. We the people, have tremendous power. We the people, need to act NOW! Please act on both of GRAA's letter campaigns, share the video, and also subscribe to my channel. I'm going to try to do these videos fairly regularly, to help keep you all informed.

Dear Firearm and Accessory Manufacturers:

Our rights and your customers are under attack.

With a massive new onslaught of gun control legislation, both at the state and federal levels, the attack of our fundamental rights has reached an unprecedented level. We have had calls by politicos, like Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, to divest public interest in your companies. As Benjamin Franklin is so famously quoted as saying at the signing of our Declaration of Independence, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

I urge you now to take a strong and public stand against these threats to our Constitution. These bills will create criminals out of peaceful, law abiding citizens - your customers. Join the growing ranks of companies who take our rights seriously, by making a public statement supporting private gun ownership. Mark LaRue from LaRue Tactical has, as well as Magpul, and most recently Olympic Arms. The sale of their products to state and local law enforcement, will meet the same standards as those imposed on us, America's millions of people who enjoy our rich heritage of owning firearms for self-defense, sporting purposes, and hunting!

Moreover, and importantly, I would also ask you to support the nonprofit gun rights organizations that are down in the trenches and on the front lines, tirelessly defending our rights day in and day out. Freedom isn't free, and their tireless efforts must continue for as long as liberty is to survive. Here are just a few such organizations that I support, and so should you:

•Firearms Policy Coalition /
•Second Amendment Foundation /
•Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms /
•Calguns Foundation /
•California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees /
•Commonwealth Second Amendment /
•Florida Carry /
•Gun Rights Across America / 
•Hawaii Defense Foundation /
•Illinois Carry /
•Lone Star Shooting Sports Association /
•New Jersey Second Amendment Society /
•West Virginia Citizens Defense League /

I am engaging my elected officials, and spreading the word about our patriotic manufacturers and dealers. Powerful grassroots advocacy tools are available at, and It would be greatly appreciated if you might help us let people know that they too, can TAKE ACTION to defend our Second Amendment rights at FPC's and GRAA's websites, at no cost to them.

Thank you very much for your time, and continued patriotism.

Eric Reed

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