Friday, December 20, 2013

A Duck of a Different Calling

A&E is suffering the effects of America’s 
malignant tumor. 

Political correctness.

It’s a cancer on our society and one that needs to be removed without delay.
Yesterday, A&E suspended Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson for comments he made in a GQ interview regarding homosexuality.
Phil was asked by the interviewer if there was anything he would like to touch upon in the show that he was not allowed to BY A&E and Phil answered the question honestly.
He spoke of his feelings regarding homosexuality and, in doing so, quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9-10  from the Bible.

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

In that statement, Phil Robertson violated the 1st Amendment of show business, the media and liberals …He adhered to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.
And the response from the always tolerant liberals came from GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz who stated…
“Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans –- and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families.”

Cruz is assigning to Phil things Phil never said.
 Christians believe in the same book from which Phil quoted and many believe as Phil believes. Is this Cruz fellow saying that the GAY community is more in tune with the state of Louisiana that Phil Robertson?
Did Robertson say he WASN’T okay with LEGAL recognition for gay couples? No…He did not. And STEREOTYPES??? What STEREOTYPES did Phil Robertson push???
A&E put an outwardly Christian family on television KNOWING FULL WELL that religion is THE driving force in the lives of the entire Robertson clan and, the show becomes THE most watched reality show on all of cable media BECAUSE the Robertsons are OUTSPOKEN and DON’T HIDE behind political correctness but, the minute some sad GLAAD malcontents crawl from under a rock…
A&E takes issue with the honesty and religious opinions OF the show’s star???
This may come as a surprise to you but…
Okay…LET them take issue with Phil and suspend him.
The 1st Amendment gives A&E the same right to take issue with what Phil said as it gives Phil to say it in the FIRST place.
This isn’t about Duck Dynasty. Not really.
It’s not about the militant gay groups either.
And guess what…It’s not about standing up for fundamentalist Christians and supporting their views on the Duck Commander family.

At a time in world history when Christians are being MURDERED in the very region where Christianity was born…A&E decides to take a stand against a man who expresses his religious beliefs and quotes from the BIBLE???
Throughout socialist media yesterday, Fundamentalist Christians came out in heavy support OF Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty.

Where have THEY been while Christians throughout the Middle East have been being slaughtered?
Where have THEIR demands been for freeing a Christian pastor from a horrific jail cell in Iran?
These things have been going on, in that part of the world for MONTHS and YEARS and all of a sudden, the top PRIORITY for Fundamentalists is…DUCK DYNASTY???
And what of the militant gay community?
While Christians are being rounded up and murdered in Islamic countries…SO TOO ARE GAY PEOPLE!!!
They are being HANGED for no other reason than BEING gay.
Where has GLAAD been in calling out the Islamists???
NOWHERE to be seen or heard but, this no-account spokesperson for GLAAD has now made DUCK DYNASTY…HIS and his GROUP’S…TOP PRIORITY???
Think about this for a second…
BOTH groups have elevated DUCK DYNASTY to the top of their lists in the last 2 days.

The GQ interview also contains Phil Robertson’s views on race in America which are just NOW starting to gain attention and again, for all the wrong reasons.
Said Phil, “Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Comments like that will certainly be seized upon by the militant black community just as the militant GAY community came unglued over Phil’s opinions regarding homosexuality.
Regarding the gay issue, the comments reflected Phil Robertson’s religious views and his personally held opinions, in the race remarks, he simply recounts his personal observations from his youth and, he’s entitled to both.
Nobody has to agree with him on either but, the point in excoriating him FOR those views is rooted directly in POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…America’s malignant cancer.

Those on the left believe that POLITICAL CORRECTNESS trumps the 1st AMENDMENT.

Their priorities are screwed up.

One wonders what the response would be had some other A&E star from another show quoted the Koran.
Where would A&E stand, were one from their stable of stars to have told an interviewer that they stood FOR homosexuality thus irritating CHRISTIANS???
Christians, fundamentalist or otherwise, Conservatives, and whites are the ONLY groups deemed by the left, appropriate for targeting.
Now…Tie the 2 together…Race and Religion and let’s see what the ever-so-tolerant left does.
When Juan Williams…a LIBERAL…Made a statement regarding being on edge when he sees a Muslim at the airport…THE LIBERAL NPR…FIRED HIM!!!
Because…Just like Phil Robertson, Juan Williams violated the 1st Amendment of show business, the media and liberals …He adhered to the 1stAmendment of the Constitution.
And, now that I’ve used that line twice…What exactly IS the 1st Amendment of show business,the media and liberals?


It’s a 100% screwed up priority and the spawn of America’s malignant tumor…Political correctness.
Oprah Winfrey said in an interview that old white people in the south just need to die in order to end racism and what happened to her? She got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Phil Robertson quotes the Bible and says he believes homosexuality is a sin and HE gets suspended.
We have Benghazi, the NSA and IRS scandals…Obamacare with millions upon millions losing their health plans, doctors and prescriptions…Iran trying to build nukes…Our Veterans getting screwed…As a nation we’re 17 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt…We’ve got a “president” ruling like a Dictator…
Christians and gays being rounded up and killed around the world…
And the survival of Duck Dynasty is now the focus?
Look…A&E has every right to suspend Phil for any reason they so choose just as Phil has every right to state his opinions based on his religious beliefs. Let them end the show if that’s what they want to do but, they need to know who’s priorities they’re bending over for.

The LGBT community has forced gay tolerance into our nation’s public schools but will NOT tolerate a Christian perspective regarding homosexuality to be heard, not ON a show but, simply by a cast Member OF a show and A&E is knee jerking their reaction in favor of a demographic that is NOT even a FRINGE audience OF Duck Dynasty…
All in the name of liberal INTOLERANCE and political correctness.

How many in the LGBT community shop at Walmart or Bass Pro Shop or any of the other Duck Dynasty sponsors?

Not many but…Yesterday morning, a Facebook page opened…“Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty” Facebook page and 4500 people “liked” it in the first HOUR leading FB to SUSPEND the page’s creator for 12 hours because THEY thought it was a SPAM page.
200,000 likes in less than six hours.

By late afternoon…MORE THAN 570 THOUSAND had clicked “Like,” and by this morning…1.3 MILLION “Likes!!!”

And that’s where the REAL problem resides.
Duck Dynasty, a show about a redneck, conservative family with heartfelt religious and American values and a business that brought in $45 million dollars last year (not counting income from A&E) garners more than 9 million viewers every week and growing while, the entire gay population of the U.S., as compiled by the Williams Institute is…9 million.
A fringe element of a very small demographic by population, is upset that a much larger, CONSERVATIVE demographic has been supporting a family with strong core beliefs and, the LGBT community isn’t getting the same recognition.
Now…The same demographic that watch Duck Dynasty and also watched, “The Bible” on the A&E owned HISTORY CHANNEL, a mini series that drew an audience of more than 100 MILLION, is talking about an A&E BOYCOTT.

It seems A&E may well have chosen to adhere to the politically correct whims of a fringe group that claims to represent a total population of 9 million Americans over the more than 100 MILLION Americans who have supported their networks…Unwisely.

That’s what happens when the liberal law of political correctness butts heads with the law of unintended consequences.
Duck Dynasty doesn’t need A&E anywhere NEAR as much as A&E needs Duck Dynasty and those who have supported Duck Dynasty in the past are NOT those who adhere to the intolerance of the politically correct liberal left.
As I said…THIS is about priorities and Phil Robertson has his right.
God, country and family.
Maybe what Phil said in that GQ interview that ISN’T being reported is where the REAL priorities should be focused.

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love em, give em the good news about Jesus – Whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort em out later, you see what I’m sayin’?”

Personally…I’ll stand with Phil Robertson.
Not so much because of WHAT he said but…Because…Political correctness be damned…He had the courage to SAY it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Are You Prepared for Civil Unrest?

Do you get the feeling that we are right on the verge of chaos? With the government shutdown, the congressional budget deadline of the 17th, the EBT system under threat, and assorted “drills” that, if history proves to be any guide, could be a loose cover for an upcoming false flag, we could be looking at civil unrest in a matter of days.
These are all situations that we, as individuals, have little control over.
What we CAN control is our response to a crisis.
By planning ahead, we can avoid the fear, panic, and confusion that leads people to rush to the store and clear the shelves like a horde of hungry locusts. We can stay away from the angry masses, the rioters who will use any excuse to steal, and the hungry people who are determined to feed their kids no matter who stands in their way.
Whether the next few weeks lead to pandemonium due to the welfare strings being cut or some type of martial law, a prepared mindset, a defense plan, and a well-stocked home can help to keep you and your family out of harm’s way.
In her article Anatomy of a Breakdown, Tess Pennington wrote:

“When you take the time to understand how a breakdown behaves and how it progresses, only then can you truly prepare for it.
This glimpse into a systemic breakdown is based on an isolated, limited disaster or event where emergency responders have been deployed. I must emphasize that all bets are off if the event is wide spread, affecting multiple tens of millions of people simultaneously.”

Here are the most vital things that you can do to be prepared for civil unrest.

Get home

In a perfect world, we’d all be home, watching the chaos erupt on TV from the safety of our living rooms. However, reality says that some of us will be at the store, at school, or in the car when unrest occurs. You need to develop a “get-home” plan for all of the members of your family, based on the most likely places that they will be.
Devise an efficient route for picking up the kids from school. Be sure that anyone who might be picking up the children already has permission to do so in the school office.
Discuss the plan with older kids - there have been rumors that children could be moved by the schools to a secondary location in the event of a crisis. Some families have formulated plans for their older kids to leave the school grounds in such an instance and take a designated route home or to another meeting place.
Keep a get-home bag in the trunk of your car in case you have to set out on foot.
Stash some supplies in the bottom of your child’s backpack - water, a snack, any tools that might be useful, and a map. Be sure your children understand the importance of OPSEC.
Find multiple routes home - map out alternative backroad ways to get home as well as directions if you must go home on foot.
Find hiding places along the way. If you work or go to school a substantial distance from your home, figure out some places to lay low now, before a crisis situation. Sometimes staying out of sight is the best way to stay safe.
Avoid groups of people. It seems that the mob mentality strikes when large groups of people get together. Often folks who would never ordinarily riot in the streets get swept up by the mass of people who are doing so.
Keep in mind that in many civil disorder situations the authorities are to be avoided every bit as diligently as the angry mobs of looters. Who can forget the scenes of innocent people being pepper sprayed by uniformed thugs in body armor just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Stay home

Once you make your way home or to your bug-out location …. STAY THERE.
By staying home, you are minimizing your risk of being caught in the midst of an angry mob or of sitting in stalled traffic while looters run amok. In most scenarios you will be far safer at home than you will be in any type of shelter or refuge situation. (Obviously if there is some type of chemical or natural threat in your immediate neighborhood, like a toxic leak, a flood, or a forest fire, the whole situation changes – you must use common sense before hunkering down.)
This is when your preparedness supplies will really pay off. If you are ready for minor medical emergencies and illnesses, a grid down scenario, and a no-comm situation, you will be able to stay safely at home with your family and ride out the crisis in moderate comfort.
Be sure you have a supply of the following:
  • Water
  • Necessary prescription medications
  • Food and an off grid way to cook it
  • Or food that requires no cooking
  • First aid supplies
  • Lighting in the event of a power outage
  • Sanitation supplies (in the event that the municipal water system is unusuable, this would include cleaning supplies and toilet supplies)
  • A way to stay warm in harsh winter weather
  • Over-the-counter medications and/or herbal remedies to treat illnesses at home
  • Survival and first aid manuals (hard copies in case the internet and power grid are down)
  • Alternative communications devices (such as a hand-crank radio) so that you can get updates about the outside world
  • Off-grid entertainment: arts and craft supplies, puzzles, games, books, crossword or word search puzzles, needlework, journals

Be prepared to defend your home

Sometimes despite our best intentions, the fight comes to us. Even though we stay home, something about our place draws the attention of an unsavory person or group. Defense is two-fold. Your best defense is avoiding the fight altogether. You want to stay under the radar and not draw attention to yourself. The extent to which you strive to do this should be based on the severity of the unrest in your area. Some of the following recommendations are not necessary in an everyday grid-down scenario, but could save your life in a more extreme civil unrest scenario.
Keep all the doors and windows locked. Secure sliding doors with a metal bar. Consider installing decorative gridwork over a door with a large window so that it becomes difficult for someone to smash the glass and reach in to unlock the door.
Put dark plastic over the windows. (Heavy duty garbage bags work well.) If it’s safe to do so, go outside and check to see if any light escapes from the windows. If your home is the only one on the block that is well-lit, it is a beacon to others.
Don’t answer the door. Many home invasions start with an innocent-seeming knock at the door to gain access to your house.
Keep cooking smells to a minimum. If everyone else in the neighborhood is hungry, the meat on your grill will draw people like moths to a flame.
Remember that first responders may be tied up. If the disorder is widespread, don’t depend on a call to 911 to save you – you must be prepared to save yourself. Also keep in mind, as mentioned earlier in the article – the cops are not always your friends in these situations.
If, despite your best efforts, your property draws the attention of people with ill intent, you must be ready to defend your family.
Many preppers stockpile weapons and ammunition for just such an event. When the door of your home is breached, you can be pretty sure the people coming in are not there to make friendly conversation. Make a plan to greet them with a deterring amount of force.
Have a safe room established for children or other vulnerable family members.
Plan an escape route. If the odds are against you, devise a way to get your family to safety.

Every civil unrest scenario is different. You must make a personal plan based on your environment, your neighbors, and the type of situation that triggered the unrest. By thinking ahead, you’ve already increased your family’s chances at surviving unscathed.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Big rigs invading nation's capitol to protest assault on Constitution
Dozens of big rig drivers and long-haul truckers took to the highways around Washington, D.C., Friday in a protest of the extra-constitutional activities of Congress and the president, as a weekend of planned political statements launched.
CBS reported that at one point, truckers were side-by-side-by-side-by-side across four lanes of Interstate 95 and were blocking traffic until a Virginia State Police officer pulled them over.

After talking with the officer, the trucks resumed their drive at a speed of about 40 mph, up from the 10 mph they had been going, the report said.

The truckers met at a travel plaza near Doswell, Va., to launch their protest on the Capital Beltway of what they view as an out of control government.
WTVR reported police said as long as the truckers follow the law, there will be no interference with them.
But the station sent a reporter to a truck stop designated for a staging area, and came away with a few pointed comments about Washington operations.
“The way Congress is doing, they’ve basically throwed our Constitution in the trash,” Alabama trucker Brad Higgins told the station.
Add Stanley Levy, from Ohio. “Every time I turn around, I’m paying taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes. Come on, we’re 17 trillion dollars in debt – it’s like a credit card.”
And Tom Null from Indiana told the station, “We’re going to participate in the demonstration around the beltway in D.C. We just want to let government know that we’re tired of them doing unconstitutional things constantly. We don’t like the way the banking is going, with the Fed printing $85 billion dollars every month, diluting our money. My tires are costing 500 bucks apiece now.”
It’s just the latest in a series of citizen protests in Washington to try to get the attention of President Obama and Congress amid inside-the-beltway fights over Obamacare, funding the military, the administration’s shutdown of national parks, the poor economy and a long list of additional issues.
And it’s not the last.
The group called “2 Million Bikers to D.C.,” which held a Sept. 11 rally in Washington, clogged traffic then while expressing members’ patriotism and faith in the U.S., but opposition to the socialist agenda now being pursued.
That group has voiced its support for the “Truckers to Shut Down America,” which also has been called “Ride for the Constitution,” in a statement on their Facebook page.
The bikers also are in support – and plan to join – a rally by vets in Washington, the “Million Vet March on the Memorials, which is set for Sunday.
An online service detailing information about commutes in Washington reported there had been several accidents, and several sections where travel times were being extended, but no major closures or other impacts.
One trucker from Georgia told WND that members of Congress are not keeping their oath of office to protect the nation and the Constitution.
“If they refused to obey their oath and uphold the law we the people would find a way,” said Earl Conlon. “What is important is that the truckers and patriot’s voices get heard.”
Online, the bikers group said without truckers, consumers would have nothing.
They wrote: “If you own it – a trucker brought it to where you could buy it. If you have a garden the seed for that garden came by truck. The only thing the truck didn’t deliver was the plot of ground.”
The truckers’ event had been organized loosely on Facebook pages, and sympathetic demonstrations also were planned in other parts of the country, for those unable to make the drive to Washington.
Supporters expected several thousand trucks in Washington, which because of the size of the mostly 18-wheelers, could create a significant impact on Washington traffic.
But one of the Facebook pages had more than 123,000 “likes,” which may or may not convert into high levels of participation.
“Truckers Ride for the Constitution” co-organizer Benn Pam believes that the coming together of three rallies in D.C. on the same weekend could make things interesting.
“It is about to hit the fan in big chunks. ’2 Million Bikers to D.C.’ is organizing for a protective detail for WWII veterans to monuments,” Pam said.
Pam added that it’s time for the American people to make their will known.
“The United States is now a dictatorship, ruled by the decrees of one man. Spy agencies dominate the government and the people. There is no rule of law. The Constitution is shredded,” Pam said. “It’s time to rise up.”
A reporter filed the following phone report on Friday’s convoy:

Mark Segraves of the NBC affiliate in Washington reported at midday Sept. 11 that only “about 25 people,” including activist Cornel West, were at the Muslim march, with a group of Christians about the same size nearby.
In a video interview with MRCTV, the Muslim march organizers would not fault Muslims for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks:
However, the counter-protest by bikers, on Sept. 11, was in evidence everywhere.
Driving in from Canada and from all over the United States, the bikers, who were denied a permit for their demonstration, were flooding the capital.
At approximately 1 p.m., “2 Million Bikers to DC” Facebook page co-founder Belinda Bee posted that police had counted nearly 1 million bikers are on the streets of Washington.

The American Muslim Political Action Committee originally planned the Muslims’ march and ended up facing criticism for scheduling it on the anniversary of 9/11.
But organizers insisted the name was changed because many non-Muslim Americans “are terrified of Muslims, who are portrayed by Hollywood and the US media as fanatical terrorists.”
AMPAC also claims Muslims, too, “live in fear – of being dragged off in the night to Guantanamo and tortured, simply for the crime of being Muslim in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Organizers refused to change the date of the march, which marked 12 years since the attack by 19 Muslims on New York City and Washington.
“September 11th, 2001 was the beginning of a new era of fear,” the organizers insisted. “Since 9/11, Americans have been terrorized by the media.”
The bikers, meanwhile, have stated their opposition to Obama’s push to “fundamentally transform” the U.S.
Radio giant Rush Limbaugh said Sept. 11 the American public as a whole did not understand what Obama was intending to do when he campaigned in 2008 with that remark.
“They had no idea that fundamentally transforming the United States of America meant turning the Constitution of the United States on its head,” Limbaugh said.
“They had no idea that transforming the United States of America meant getting rid of capitalism and replacing it with socialism. They had no idea that it meant co-opting one-sixth of the U.S. economy by the government, the health-care business. They had no idea what Obama was promising. They thought they knew, but they didn’t. Some of them may now not even know, but the bikers in D.C. know – and knew.”

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

'Truckers Ride for the Constitution' responds to media'

Yesterday, "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" media spokesperson Peter T. Santilli requested that Steven Nelson of US News & World Report update his article to reflect that Georgia trucker Earl Conlon is not a spokesperson for the patriot trucker group.
"Truckers Ride for the Constitution" was previously named "Truckers to Shut Down America." The group was renamed after their Facebook page was "unpublished," 
"this is about the working class getting run over by a political elite who do not know and do not care what ordinary people are going through."
Nelson reported yesterday that the truckers plan to "arrest" congressmen and slow down traffic for their pilgrimage to D.C. taking place on October 11-13. Earl isjustifiably outraged about the elected officials' disregard for the Constitution, but he not reflect the group's mission.
In an email to Nelson posted on the trucker's official website yesterday, Santilli said in part,
"We hereby respectfully request a retraction or update on the article to indicate that Earl is in no way associated with the mission of the ride. He was merely a point of contact for drivers at a meeting place for the start of the convoy. Please immediately update the article so as not to create the false perception you have portrayed in your article."
Despite the strongly worded email, Nelson used Conlon as a source again in a new article today titled, "Truckers Change Mind, Won't 'Arrest' Congressmen." This title is inaccurate, as the "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" never intended on "arresting" anybody.
The shocking thing about Nelson's article is that even after the organizers clarified on Facebook, and on their official website, and in an exclusive interview with the Examiner, as well as in a personal email to Nelson, his article from today continues to use quotes by Conlon.
He wrote,
"News coverage of a trucker protest seeking to clog the roads in and around Washington, D.C., this weekend prompted a schism between the ride's leaders."
But there is no "schism." There never was.
As co-founder Ben Pam of the 'Truckers Ride for the Constitution' told the Examiner yesterday in an exclusive interview,
"We do not intend to obstruct traffic or close down any roads."
"We are not coming to arrest anyone."
The author of the piece, Steven Nelson graciously responded to a request for comment. He said,
"I did not identify Conlon as a spokesman in either article, I identified him as an organizer, which everyone admits he was as of Monday morning."
Nelson cited a post on the 'Ride for the Constitution' website that said, "All truckers in this RIDE are directed to Earl Conlon, he is in charge." Of course, this makes sense, as Santilli wrote in his email to Nelson yesterday that Conlon is "a point of contact for drivers."
Nelson said, "Conlon claims the idea for truckers heading to D.C. was his. I haven't heard a denial of that yet. Peter Santilli is not actually going to be in D.C. and he is not a trucker." But Nelson did not speak to the founders of the Truckers group, Ben Pam and Zeeda Andrews, as confirmed today by the Examiner.
Further, Nelson stated,
"The issue at hand isn't so much about my coverage... it's more an issue of in-fighting among the organizers. Squabbling over who the 'official spokesperson' is seems pretty silly to me. The designated organizer of the trucker trek to D.C. is arguably better suited to answer press questions than an online radio host who isn't actually going to be in town."
As Ben Pam confirmed to the Examiner, there is no infighting. There is no 'squabbling.' Peter T. Santilli is a radio host, and he is the "media spokesperson." In fact, the leadership of the "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" is as united as ever to bring awareness to Americans about the plight of the truckers, and to exercise their First Amendment rights. The group wishes "to awaken the American People to the complete disregard for the Constitution and to bring a message to Congress that We The People demand to be heard."
The idea resonates, as in the past 24 hours, the Facebook page has acquired approximately 17,000 "likes," bringing Facebook supporters to over 67,000 at the time of this writing. Although the Twitter account was suspended, the hashtag for the truckers, #T2SDA is still going strong.
Zeeda Andrews is giving updates at 9:00 pm eastern time Mon thru Thurs at the Trucker's official website, "Ride for the Constitution." To call in and speak with Zeeda, the number is 218-862-9829.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Next Wave Of Protest: 1 Million Truckers To Shut Down America

First it was the Patriot Bikers. In less than two months it will be the Patriot Truckers.
Washington DC isn't going to know what to do about this one!!!

Pass this along... every patriotic trucker that doesn't know about this rally yet, and that can get away with their rig needs to be informed

A Real Sleeping Giant is Awake

A Real Sleeping Giant is Awake

On September 11, 2013 a group of bikers dared to show the government, Washington, and America that the

James "Woolybooger" Redmond - Patriot Rider
American Patriot is still alive, well, and now wide awake.
The group 2 Million Bikers to DC managed in less than a month, with little to no press coverage, or interest from the mainstream media to converge an Iron horse mounted Army of American Patriots on Washington’s doorstep.
Although this was a memorial ride in remembrance of those lost on 9/11/01 and others lost in the name of freedom; this rally delivered a much greater message. That message? The true sleeping giant is now awake; change is coming.
The Big Picture
In the past few days I have heard a number of people say “it could not have been much of a rally, it did not even make headlines”. At that point I just want to bitch-slap the person for not realizing the magnitude and the corruption that exists in the American propaganda machine (mainstream media). So, for all of you that do not quite understand the magnitude of this monumental event, I will be glad to lay it out for you.
In January 2013 the number of active duty US Armed forces in the US and abroad was estimated at 1.4 million. September 11, 2013 1.2 million bikers stormed DC
The National Parks service denied the group a permit and assistance with their memorial ride and tribute. They rode anyway armed with the only permit that matters… The United States Constitution. And no one could do anything to stop it. What were they going to arrest them? Ticket them? Get real there were too many of them to do anything about it.
Now if you have not yet got the big picture here, then let me break it down for you even more.
The Illusion
Now if the powers that be do not understand the magnitude of this event, then they are even more daft than I even imagined. And if they did not understand it, then why blank out most of the DC traffic cameras during the ride?

photo from 2 Million Bikers to DC Facebook page
I personally went to the traffic cams and was completely confused when I did not see anything but loops and camera down screens. There is no way the DC traffic cams are that bad. By the way I have checked daily since and they are all up and operational. Any conspiracy theorists out there that want to hop on this band wagon are more than welcome to leave comments and discussions.
Others watching the traffic cams were shocked by the lack of bikes and the presence of snow. Now if that is not one hell of a slap in the face to the intelligence of the average American, I do not know what is.
Now it is easy to speculate why the powers that be want to lower the impact of this event. Do they really want for the average American to understand that what makes America powerful is not the military, not the bureaucrats, lobbyist, politicians, or even the elected officials. It is the people (the true sleeping giant). United as one we stand strong and this is the most powerful message delivered by this group of Patriot bikers. One that should have been heard by each American on all media sources. But alas, the modern American propaganda machine failed to reflect the people’s voice and flooded the media with the proverbial moment of silence.
Broken Silence
It was refreshing to hear the low rumble of bikes in the distance during the presidential tribute for 9/11. The 1.2

A dress Louder than 1.2 million motorcycle engines
million patriot riders broke an imposed silence. We have been silent for way too long screamed form every engine. The only thing louder than the roar of freedom in the distance was the disrespect shown by Queen Obama and her very bright dress during the supposedly somber tribute.
For many long years the American people have been silent, been silenced by the propaganda patrol, and even gagged into a quiet state of dormancy by the illusion that our voices (collective or not) carried no weight. This monumental ride stripped the gags from our mouths and gave a voice back to the people. A loud voice that shook the ground, set off alarms, and roared across the country.
(if you get the chance watch the tribute video, toward the end you can hear the low rumble of freedom in the background).
Warning to the Powers that Be and The American Propaganda Machine
The American Patriot is waking up. they are armed with a constitution that obligates and mandates that each American protect their rights by any means necessary. You can not silence them, you can not manipulate the media to bind and gag them. You do not have enough prisons, weapons, or man power to stop them. If the display of patriotism on 9/11/13 did not speak clearly enough, here is a word of advice: Tread lightly and walk a fine line.
When we stand United and defend our rights as Americans, NO ONE can stop us.

Here is some video too: